Saturday, May 31, 2008

Fire Behind Me

I started smelling smoke through my home office window, then saw flashlights in the yard below me, closed all my windows and ran out to open the gates for the police, told them it was the neighbors place behind me. The police went back to investigate while I stayed in the fresh air. They told the firetrucks where to go, who then had at it. Sounds of saws cutting into the garage roof. Well, it use to be a garage. My landlady just told me that a family was living in it. Not tonight. Finally came back upstairs and found my camera in time to see them mopping up. Sorry folk, no flame pictures for you. I'm going to need to air out my apartment once the smoke from next door settles down, yuck.

1 comment:

Robin said...

And that's why I don't ever want to live in town. The neighbors "Problems" seems to seep over into everyone else's homes!

and the only thing that comes to my mind is, "I would love to help but I really just don't care."

And yes, I would do whatever was needed to help with the readings. It would take me several trys simply becuz it was a tongue twister!
You did a fab job!