Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Every Little Thing...

Sometimes it's years between, sometimes months, but lately it has been merely hours between dreams. I know I stayed up too late last night recording and editing a chapter for and when I came home from work this afternoon, went straight to bed for a nap. Had some weird situation dreams last Saturday night after the Dodger's swept the cubbies, and every night there after they have been milder and milder. I can not remember what exactly the dreams were about, but I know I have been having them. Even during this latest nap. Some are wearing me out. Some are floating through the universe. Maybe it's all this Buddha stuff I've been reading lately, or the audio book series I bought recently featuring the works of Orson Scott Card. Can't believe they all came in except Ender's Shadow. Off I go, into the land of audio...


Robin said...

So tell me a bit more...are you doing audio books?? Like to purchase??

Proto said...

They are for free at
I am not in the commercial side of the business... yet.

tinah said...

Props to you for giving it a shot.

Orson Scott Card's books are the best. I'm looking forward to seeing Ender's Game in theatres.